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It’s hard to keep everyone up to date on your current appetite. If you still rely on printed guides or PDFs to give your agents access to underwriting details, odds are they are out of date as soon as you hit print. Asking your agents to go to your portal, and those of their other carrier partners separately is just not time well spent – and could lead to missed sales opportunities. Even if you provide digital appetite – sharing those details to each agent-facing partner, including management systems, rating systems, etc. – maintaining every instance of your appetite can be an IT resource drain.

As products expand into new classes and states, and distribution channels grow, your agents need to have consistent, real-time detailed appetite and eligibility guidelines regardless of where they access your product details. Giving them the information they need, when they need it, will drive more submissions – submissions for the business you want – into your organization.

Why Real-Time Appetite Matters to Your Business

  • One source of the truth for all players

    Your agents and your staff don’t have a clear picture of your appetite when it is all over the place. When you manage your appetite and eligibility in one centralized location, everyone is on the same page.

  • Cuts costs and saves time

    Stop wasting time and money connecting to systems and applications that don’t speak to each other. With a centralized appetite solution, you can enter it once and connect to many systems all in one place.

  • Get more of the business you want

    You underwriters may miss good business if they are sifting through submissions that are out of appetite or missing critical data. Providing agents with consistent up-to-date underwriting guidelines supports all parties and gets the best business and best products to the insured.


What the Numbers Say

  • 85%

    of agents believe they would write more business with carriers if they provided real-time appetite within their management system

    Source: Ivans Connectivity Survey 2021

  • 35%

    of mid-market business is ultimately declined

    Source: Ivans Connectivity Survey 2021

  • 50%+

    of carriers believe they are not maximizing written premium from their current appointed agencies

    Source: Ivans Connectivity Survey 2021

Ready to Learn More?

Ivans is ready to provide your business the advanced insurance software and solutions to digitally distribute and service products in new ways.